The self sufficient community which we designed will be focused in
9 factors which are: Transportation, Education, Healthcare, Shelter, Community,
Environment, Waste Disposal, Production, and Energy. We found that these 9
factors are the main issue which will make a community self sufficient. We make
the 9 factors integrates with the pattern that we already made before and
produce this diagram.
As the pattern before, we will have the community in the centre of
the area and other district surrounding it. All of the place will be connected
through a public infrastructure system. Furthermore, we discuss these 9 factors
further which will shape the lifestyle of the community. And the result are:
Food production is a vital resource for
the needs of communal areas; therefore each community hub will be
responsible for
their own. The distribution of food among the communities allows
each community hub to become responsible for the growing and management of particular
foods. For e.g. one community may grow mint for their type of herb whilst the
other community may not but grows and produces coriander instead etc. This is determined by the climatic condition
of each individual community. In addition, this will help promote the “sharing
concept” as well as minimising waste. Foods
will be distributed among the communities using the transport system
the need of trucks which
pollute our environment. There are also architectural possibilities
relating to farming which will enhance production.
A wind and solar turbine device integrated into one system will be
used as a method to
produce unlimited energy without consuming any
resources. It consists of eight wings that spin to produce wind making energy
and photovoltaic modules that can store solar power during the daytime. The
device is made of lightweight aluminium in a spherical-like form without the
need to directly face the suns position. The unique device is capable to be
positioned almost anywhere such as in an urban streetscape. Our future community is envisioned to use
power devices like these and focuses on only using renewable energy systems. This
device is implemented into the urban streetscape and people within the
community go about everyday activities and tasks
without this having negative impacts.
sustainability becomes an important issue in the future, scientist and software
developer try to re-create a new way in studying it. Furthermore, they realized
that study was not only about reading and understanding the text books but also
implementing it in the real life. Moreover, scientists discover that by
implementing senses to the knowledge will effectively influence people in
understanding knowledge. Therefore, they invent the capsule library. Through
this gadget, people not only will learn but also experience the knowledge by
themselves. Furthermore, this machine involves the user as one character of the
story. Furthermore, software developer will creatively convert the knowledge
from the book to the “virtual reality” knowledge which will involve the user as
one of the certain character of the knowledge. By working together, scientists and
software developers can redefine a new system of study.
Waste Management
Consuming less is the most fundamental
step in moving towards a more sustainable society. Research studies have shown that although
recycling is an effective way to manage waste materials, minimising the
creation of waste is the most sustainable option. Furthermore, studies shows
that it is more time and cost effective to deal with the causes of waste once
it has already been produced. Therefore each community will focus in the
practice of waste
minimisation by reducing the amount of waste we create in the first
place and not using a material eg: no more packaging, using less material
e.g. bulk buying, or using less disposable materials e.g. using washable
re-usable nappies and re-usable shopping bags/packaging. This strategy aims to strengthen waste
minimisation. The idea is to promote the utilisation of reusable packaging and to avoid the use of
product packaging. This waste
management technique is so ingrained into people’s lifestyles in the future,
that it becomes a
custom and is not noticed as an inconvenience.
in our “United World” Scenario, live in a world where there are no forms of private
transportation (cars) and therefore need to rely on a sophisticated
and fully integrated public transport system.
This system is fully automated allowing for a high level access and
accessibility. As this is the only major
form of transportation in the community, there is a huge reduction in congestion and pollution
with is evident in today’s society. It
is envisaged that the transportation system works on a rail style network.
central community hub is a key and crucial element to the realisation of a
Woodford style community, and therefore our “United World” scenario. The community
hub brings together all the elements
of the individual communities together and forms the social interaction
point. This is based on the Woodford
Folk Festival (WFF) which has been held on the Woodford site. The WFF promotes the concept of
idea sharing
and further development of crucial world and environmental issues and this is
the foundation of the community centre and plan. The community hub will act as an
aid for
interaction, discussion and development and people’s lifestyles will
become one that embraces these notions.
The question is always being asked, HOW CAN WE DO THIS BETTER?
in the “United World” will be highly based on new technological advancements. Each individual community will have the
technology and resources for basic medical care, with some of the communities
specialising in specialist form of healthcare and medicine. Healthcare may take on a different notion
then in today’s society, for example cures will have been found for some medical
conditions and the research and development could be more focused on maintaining health
and the integration of procedures and medication that may seem extraordinary
today, into everyday life.
issues and the way in which people interact with it will not have the same
stigma attached to it, as seen in today’s society. Environmental features are not just added to
objects and buildings but incorporated in them from the start;
it is a way of life. The environment both
natural and built is respected by the people
and not only allows
great functional processes but also is
pleasing and usable. The
environment is an important aspect of the future scenario, as this supports our
way of life. There is a careful and well
of natural and built.
People who don't have shelter are houseless - not homeless!
Homelessness has nothing to do with a lack of shelter. Define Homeless: 'An
inadequate experience of connectedness with family and or community,' (Dominic
Mapstone). Homelessness is about a lack of connectedness. Belonging somewhere
is about belonging with other people. Like belonging to a family or local
The largest social demographic in first world countries that
experiences homelessness are actually elderly people who are houseful. Quite
often their spouse has died and their children live at a distance. They feel
the same loneliness and abandonment as the person living on the street. Therefore,
to achieve good living condition we should live in the community who have a
strong sense of community and sharing, in this case architecture solution can
be a good possibility to help improve the sense of community and sharing.